Module:File link
Revision as of 00:06, 4 June 2014 by Mr. Stradivarius (talk) (Undid revision 611451330 by Mr. Stradivarius (talk) whoops, that edit was supposed to be to the sandbox...)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:File link/doc
Script error: Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 127.
-- This module provides a library for formatting file wikilinks. local libraryUtil = require('libraryUtil') local checkType = libraryUtil.checkType local fileLink = {} function checkType('', 1, filename, 'string', true) local obj, data = {}, {} local checkSelf = libraryUtil.makeCheckSelfFunction( 'fileLink', 'fileLink', obj, 'fileLink object' ) -- Set the filename if we were passed it as an input to if filename then data.theName = filename end function data:name(s) checkSelf(self, 'name') checkType('fileLink:name', 1, s, 'string') data.theName = s return self end function data:format(s, filename) checkSelf(self, 'format') checkType('fileLink:format', 1, s, 'string', true) checkType('fileLink:format', 2, format, 'string', true) local validFormats = { thumb = true, thumbnail = true, frame = true, framed = true, frameless = true } if s == nil or validFormats[s] then data.theFormat = s data.theFormatFilename = filename else error(string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'fileLink:format' ('%s' is not a valid format)", s ), 2) end return self end local function sizeError(methodName) -- Used for formatting duplication errors in size-related methods. error(string.format( "duplicate size argument detected in '%s'" .. " ('upright' cannot be used in conjunction with height or width)", methodName ), 3) end function data:width(px) checkSelf(self, 'width') checkType('fileLink:width', 1, px, 'number', true) if px and data.isUpright then sizeError('fileLink:width') end data.theWidth = px return self end function data:height(px) checkSelf(self, 'height') checkType('fileLink:height', 1, px, 'number', true) if px and data.isUpright then sizeError('fileLink:height') end data.theHeight = px return self end function data:upright(isUpright, factor) checkSelf(self, 'upright') checkType('fileLink:upright', 1, isUpright, 'boolean', true) checkType('fileLink:upright', 2, factor, 'number', true) if isUpright and (data.theWidth or data.theHeight) then sizeError('fileLink:upright') end data.isUpright = isUpright data.uprightFactor = factor return self end function data:resetSize() checkSelf(self, 'resetSize') for i, field in ipairs{'theWidth', 'theHeight', 'isUpright', 'uprightFactor'} do data[field] = nil end return self end function data:location(s) checkSelf(self, 'location') checkType('fileLink:location', 1, s, 'string', true) local validLocations = { right = true, left = true, center = true, none = true } if s == nil or validLocations[s] then data.theLocation = s else error(string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'fileLink:location' ('%s' is not a valid location)", s ), 2) end return self end function data:alignment(s) checkSelf(self, 'alignment') checkType('fileLink:alignment', 1, s, 'string', true) local validAlignments = { baseline = true, middle = true, sub = true, super = true, ['text-top'] = true, ['text-bottom'] = true, top = true, bottom = true } if s == nil or validAlignments[s] then data.theAlignment = s else error(string.format( "bad argument #1 to 'fileLink:alignment' ('%s' is not a valid alignment)", s ), 2) end return self end function data:border(hasBorder) checkSelf(self, 'border') checkType('fileLink:border', 1, hasBorder, 'boolean', true) data.hasBorder = hasBorder return self end function data:link(s) checkSelf(self, 'link') checkType('fileLink:link', 1, s, 'string', true) data.theLink = s return self end function data:alt(s) checkSelf(self, 'alt') checkType('fileLink:alt', 1, s, 'string', true) data.theAlt = s return self end function data:page(num) checkSelf(self, 'page') checkType('fileLink:page', 1, num, 'number', true) data.thePage = s return self end function data:class(s) checkSelf(self, 'class') checkType('fileLink:class', 1, s, 'string', true) data.theClass = s return self end function data:lang(s) checkSelf(self, 'lang') checkType('fileLink:lang', 1, s, 'string', true) data.theLang = s return self end local function checkTypeStringOrNum(funcName, pos, arg) local argType = type(arg) if argType ~= 'nil' and argType ~= 'string' and argType ~= 'number' then error(string.format( "bad argument #%d to '%s' (string or number expected, got %s)", pos, funcName, argType ), 3) end end function data:startTime(time) checkSelf(self, 'startTime') checkTypeStringOrNum('fileLink:startTime', 1, time) data.theStartTime = time return self end function data:endTime(time) checkSelf(self, 'endTime') checkTypeStringOrNum('fileLink:endTime', 1, time) data.theEndTime = time return self end function data:thumbTime(time) checkSelf(self, 'thumbTime') checkTypeStringOrNum('fileLink:thumbTime', 1, time) data.theThumbTime = time return self end function data:caption(s) checkSelf(self, 'caption') checkType('fileLink:caption', 1, s, 'string', true) data.theCaption = s return self end function data:render() checkSelf(self, 'render') local ret = {} -- Filename if not data.theName then error('fileLink:render: no filename was found') end ret[#ret + 1] = 'File:' .. data.theName -- Format if data.theFormat and data.theFormatFilename then ret[#ret + 1] = data.theFormat .. '=' .. data.theFormatFilename elseif data.theFormat then ret[#ret + 1] = data.theFormat end -- Border if data.hasBorder then ret[#ret + 1] = 'border' end -- Location ret[#ret + 1] = data.theLocation -- Alignment ret[#ret + 1] = data.theAlignment -- Size if data.isUpright and data.uprightFactor then ret[#ret + 1] = 'upright=' .. tostring(data.uprightFactor) elseif data.isUpright then ret[#ret + 1] = 'upright' elseif data.theWidth and data.theHeight then ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('%dx%dpx', data.theWidth, data.theHeight) elseif data.theWidth then ret[#ret + 1] = tostring(data.theWidth) .. 'px' elseif data.theHeight then ret[#ret + 1] = string.format('x%dpx', data.theHeight) end -- Render named parameters. -- That includes link, alt, page, class, lang, start, end, and thumbtime. do local namedParameters = { {'link', 'theLink'}, {'alt', 'theAlt'}, {'page', 'thePage'}, {'class', 'theClass'}, {'lang', 'theLang'}, {'start', 'theStartTime'}, {'end', 'theEndTime'}, {'thumbtime', 'theThumbTime'} } for i, t in ipairs(namedParameters) do local parameter = t[1] local value = data[t[2]] if value then ret[#ret + 1] = parameter .. '=' .. tostring(value) end end end -- Caption ret[#ret + 1] = data.theCaption return string.format('[[%s]]', table.concat(ret, '|')) end local privateFields = { theName = true, theFormat = true, theFormatFilename = true, theWidth = true, theHeight = true, isUpright = true, uprightFactor = true, theLocation = true, theAlignment = true, hasBorder = true, theLink = true, theAlt = true, thePage = true, theClass = true, theLang = true, theCaption = true } local readOnlyFields = {} for field in pairs(data) do readOnlyFields[field] = true end readOnlyFields.theName = nil -- This is set if a filename is given to, so remove it. local function restrictedFieldError(key, restriction) error(string.format( "fileLink object field '%s' is %s", tostring(key), restriction ), 3) end setmetatable(obj, { __index = function (t, key) if privateFields[key] then restrictedFieldError(key, 'private') else return data[key] end end, __newindex = function (t, key, value) if privateFields[key] then restrictedFieldError(key, 'private') elseif readOnlyFields[key] then restrictedFieldError(key, 'read-only') else data[key] = value end end, __tostring = function (t) return t:render() end, __pairs = function () local temp = {} for k, v in pairs(data) do if not privateFields[k] then temp[k] = v end end return pairs(temp) end }) return obj end return fileLink